How can we offer this service for free?

How can we offer this service for free?

We believe in making our communities a better place, and that means giving something back once in a while. Whilst we’re not a charity ourselves, we can help by offering a free Will to your fundraisers, and by giving them a simple way to leave a legacy to your charity.

To fund our services, we offer your fundraisers extended services like Executorship, Lasting Power of Attorney, and Trusts – all of which are optional. We donate a share of any fees derived through the uptake of these additional add-ons, back to you.

Answer our simple guided questions

Powerful insights

You’ll be able to see demographic data such as the ages and locations of those who wish to donate to you, along with information on how your account is performing on key targets such as the number of legacies pledged, and analysis of when these legacies are likely to be realised.

shap leaf

Ready to get started?

Tell us a bit about yourself and your charity and we’ll arrange a demo with our Charity Partnership Manager,
who’ll get you signed up and earning from a completely new revenue stream in no time!