Anyone can leave money to a charity in their Will – this is known as a legacy.

Apart from the fact that you get to help people after you are gone, giving money or willing assets to charity has the following benefits:

There are three ways you can leave money in your Will to a charity. 

1) A residuary share 

This is a share in, or all of, what’s left of the value of your estate after family and friends have been allocated their shares.

2) A pecuniary gift 

A specific sum of money.

3) A specific gift 

This is where you leave a specific item such as a piece of art.

The advantage of leaving a share (also known as a residuary gift) over a specific sum of money is that it stays the same over time and you won’t need to change your Will to keep up with inflation.

There is sometimes a misconception that only very wealthy people leave money to charity, but even a small donation can have a big impact.  Legacy donations – big and small – play an important role in allowing charities to continue doing their work. In fact, many wouldn’t survive without them. 

It’s a great way of saying thank you to those charities you’ve benefited from or to help a cause that is close to your heart. 

We’ve made it simple to leave money to charity, you can search and select your charity within Valulife as you write your Will.